Thursday, August 29, 2013

Work Day

So, the garage is a disaster.  Well, it WAS a disaster...boxes everywhere.  There was a great satisfaction pitching boxes into the garage from the house door when they were empty.  But that meant a huge pile of boxes.  So today I set to it. 

I broke them down and organized them by size.  I am not getting rid of them--only the ones that are falling apart.  You never know when you may need them.

I didn't entirely finish, which means the car won't fit in the garage at this point, but progress has been made! 

I am so out of the loop when it comes to football, but I learned late today that I should be openly rooting already!  I must get me some U of U clothing.  For now, we'll settle for a U of U cup.  Go Utes!

Mac came home today, proudly wearing this crown.  She told me that there are people in her class that don't listen.  Uh-oh.  As long as she's not one of them! 

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