Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This morning was a little stressful for Leiden.  She has a cavity that was scheduled to be filled, today, and hasn't been quite sure what to expect.  She took along a little stuffed animal to keep her company, and chose watermelon laughing gas.  I'm amazed that they can drill surface cavities without using shots of novocaine!  I guess little kids don't sit in the dentist chair just waiting for that shot of pain that comes suddenly when the dentist hits something!  I know that's what I do...BUT.  She did great!  The dentist is very fast, and it is done in a matter of a couple minutes.  Hopefully we won't be doing this ever again!

I've got Derek's Independence Day package all ready to send off to him.  It's full of red, white, and blue stuff...from food to sunglasses and little flags.  Hopefully it will brighten his holiday next month!

He, of course, didn't get the preview of the box, but he did get this one, where we are off to the post office!  Amazing that this little package will travel 7000+ miles away and find him in Afghanistan.  Crazy.  I wish I could.  Well, I wish I could find him in a non war-torn country.  :) 

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