Tuesday, November 25, 2014

 The garage is a mess.  After Derek took the trailer out to take it down to Vegas, it badly needed to be cleared out, but I am just getting to it, today.  Mainly because someone wants to come and look at the toddler bed!  In just the last couple days, I had completely forgotten that I had it up for sale.  The text came, and I realized this was a perfect opportunity to get out here and clean up!
And I lucked out...the couple wanted the bed, and took it off my hands immediately!  Nice!

I'm getting ready to make homemade mince tarts for Derek.  His favorite pie is mincemeat, which his grandmother used to make for him.  I obviously have no idea what her recipe was, but I found a highly rated one and I'm going to attempt it!  It requires some lovely candied peels, which I'm doing from scratch.

It is a terrible travesty that red grapefruit looks as beautiful as it does, but tastes like red grapefruit.  It is one thing I really don't like at all.  SO bitter.  But so pretty.

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