Monday, November 3, 2014

He's Home!

Light dusting of snow up at my mom's this morning as I left for the airport!  I can't believe this day is here!

I flew on Alaska Airlines, and it was barely more than a puddle jumper.  This plane was tiny.  My carry on didn't even fit in the overhead compartment.  And it had propellers....

I got to Vegas a good two hours before he was due in, so I hung out.  Did a lot of hanging out.  Monitoring his flight on a flight tracking website, checking my makeup, reapplying deodorant, etc.  It was a long wait.  I found the gate he was to arrive at and planted myself down.  Talk about jittery.  But.  I was so glad I did it this way.  Normally I wouldn't have been able to meet him at the gate.  The only reason I could was because I had just gotten off a plane, myself.  Definitely the way to go!

FINALLY his plane pulled up to the gate...he's out there, somewhere! 

And, HE'S HOME!  Oh, how I have missed this man.  But I did it.  We did it.  I can do hard things.  I don't like to, but I certainly can, and there is joy at the end of it.  Welcome home, Derek!

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