Thursday, November 13, 2014

Goodbye, Again!

Mimi was so excited today to show me her latest playdough creation.  She made a cute little mini cake, as she sees Leiden doing often, and wanted a picture taken.

So proud of her work! 

Derek took off this morning to head back down to Vegas where he has kids and other responsibilities waiting for him!  Goodbyes are tough, but at least they aren't for months at a time, now!  Such is the way of long distance relationships.  I'm so glad to have him home! 

I actually met him a couple hours after he departed, because his trailer tire blew.  Luckily he was going fairly slowly on a back road from his sister's house when it happened.  But it threw his timeline, that's for sure!  So I grabbed lunch and headed down to meet him.  He made the repairs, we ate, and it was goodbye again!

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