Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Derek and I started out the day with a brisk 13.1 we are before the half.  Smiling, and ready to rock!

And here we are after...still smiling, but clearly tired and weary!  Derek had a rough time with his knees.  This probably wasn't the best idea.  Jumping out of planes and helicopters doesn't really make your knees age well.  But!  We finished!

Funny little turkey medals...this is three for me!  I know plenty of people have done far more, but I'm pretty pleased! 

The girls left for Brad's last night, but I didn't get to this until today.  They had some pretty cute little leaves this year, and the tree looks festive!

Leiden's leaves included:  Elsa, Anna, and Olaf, blankie, thankful tree, herself, snowmen, diamonds, presents, holidays, Jordan and Armida, Emmit, songs, Minecraft, and Primary programs.  Silly girl.

Mac's leaves included:  School, birthdays, lightbulbs, earth, houses, getting messy, horses, clothes, Mama, Dada, church, video games, flowers, bread and water, TV and goofy shows, presents, Jesus, trees, and birds.

And Mimi's leaves included:  cats, monsters, blankie, glue dots, birds, popcorn, pumpkins, leaves, reading, numbers, snow, pie, and rats.  Chuckle...
There were also some guest appearances over the month, which only add to the cheer of the Thankful Tree!

I was super excited to make my yummy cranberry cream cheese dip for snacking today!  I forget how good it is.  But it's not really something you can do all year, because you need fresh cranberries to do it!

My mom set a lovely table, with pretty golden pears for each setting. 

I was the pie lady! 

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful day! 

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