Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!  I convinced Leiden to again let me do something fun with her hair for the day, complete with cute Independence day hair tie!

We went to lunch at Olive Garden as a family, so we could all get together today.  We made it count, with a bit of reading from the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.  We don't mess around!

Later in the evening we were going to have guests, so Leiden went outside and did some sidewalk art for the occasion.  SO cute 

Pretty excited to set off fireworks!  There are quite a few, and we should have a great time! 

And suddenly Leiden lost a tooth! 

Mimi is always on the lookout for zucchini from our plant outside.  She gets particularly excited when she finds a giant one!  This one she was using like the Swiss use their giant horns up in the alps.  It was pretty funny. 

The girls are always so excited to break out the fireworks! 

Sweet little Mimi was looking so cute outside with her hair and punch mustache! 

And then there's the delight that is Mac! 

LOOK at that face! 

The Macdonald girls wish all of you a wonderful Independence day! 

Mimi was better with the sparklers than in years past, but still had to be constantly reminded to stand still and not walk around!  She was still a little leery. 

The other girls were just fine. 

We had a bunch of fountains.  Aerials kind of spoil you, but the fountains are still fun.  Very nostalgic.

I am so glad to be blessed to live in this beautiful country.  To enjoy the freedoms we do, and I am so thankful for the men and women that were led by God to settle this great country and design it in such a way that we are so blessed to live here.

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