Friday, July 10, 2015

This morning went well.  I met the adjuster at the tow yard (super dodgy place).  He calculated the damage at $6500!!!  Which is crazy, but he seemed to know what he was talking about.  He said that's only about 25% of 'totaled', so even if the body shop costs go up once the car is opened up, it's not going to be totaled.  I was SO RELIEVED!  But insurance companies are still ridiculous.  The lady who will be in charge of my claim called and wanted me to go through a DIFFERENT rental company.  So I had to take the other car back, and go pick up this one.  A hassle, but seriously, this car is so much better.  It's an SUV, and has a third row, so I'll take it!

We went to lunch with Meghan, Alecia, and kids today to Leatherby's!  I haven't been there in years.  Of course the ice cream was the most exciting part.  Mimi got playdough flavor, which doesn't actually taste like playdough, but looks like it. 

Leiden got bubble gum, which I have never liked. 

Mac's though...cake batter and was SO GOOD! 

Then to top off the day, yesterday was National Sugar Cookie Day, so I celebrated with a friend by getting a sugar cookie from a bunch of different shops so we could compare and determine which was the best!  Got one from Sweet Tooth Fairy, Swig, Dippidee, Straws, and two others I can't remember.  The opinion was divided, but I thought Sweet Tooth Fairy's was best!  Which is both good and bad since there's one right by my house!

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