Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Made slime this afternoon!  The girls are always asking to do it, and today I said yes.  They mixed and globbed to their little hearts' content.

All was well, and we were headed up to Grandmere's house so she could watch them while I went running.  I was eating a banana, and was almost to the freeway entrance.  I looked down for a split second to peel it further, looked up, and promptly smashed into the car in front of me.  Ugh.  The car must have cut in front of me while I was looking down.  I saw I was going to hit, so I braced myself against the steering wheel.  The airbag deployed, but my face didn't even hit it.  This meant a 911 call, and insurance, and tow trucks, and ambulance for the driver in front of me, which I refuse to believe was necessary.  Ridiculous!  Honestly I'm just glad I wasn't texting when it happened.  The officer that came just cited me with following too close, even though I told him about the banana.  We are all well.  The girls are fine, and thought it was a great adventure.  I am so worried, though, about the car.  I still owe on it, and I'm worried that I've totaled it.  I'm told that if an airbag deploys it's almost always totaled.  I doubt the check from the insurance company would cover what I still owe.  I'll know more in a day or two when the adjuster checks it out.

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