Thursday, August 20, 2015

4 Days Before Kindergarten

Today was the kindergarten assessment, where they show up and the teachers look at what they already know, and what they need help with.  They don't offer you the results, and the parent is not invited to go back with the child, but it's still fun for the kids to go to the school and get a glimpse, even though we still don't know who Mimi's teacher is!

After the assessment, we headed to the park with a Slurpee.

Mimi took in some rays.

This evening was the annual Neighborhood Block party at my parents' ward.  But this year, the firemen were not going to use the firehose and ladder...I imagine because of the water situation here in the valley.  They compensated by letting the kids climb all over their awesome big truck!

The pictures are all of the girls, but even I got up there!

Mac summoned the gumption to ask one of the firemen if she could sit in the front seat.  They were really nice, and agreed that was an awesome idea.

This would be a pretty good picture if I didn't have a tree growing out of my head!

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