Wednesday, August 19, 2015

First Day of School AND 5 Days Before Kindergarten!

It's the first day of school for these rascals!  I can't believe I have a 5th grader.  She's one of the 'big women' on campus, which is really just silly, because she's my little Leiden!

They were very excited for the big day.  And believe me, I was too!  Summer can get long and monotonous.  School time comes, and we are ready!

We all walked to the school this morning.  Took tons of pictures.

I'm thinking that I may not get this opportunity next year at the Middle School!

All the kids are bright and shiny, ready to start a new year.  I LOVE it!

Excitement all around, from both kids and judging by the smiles on parents faces, I'm not the only one who welcomes back to school!'

After we dropped the girls off, Mimi and I went home to do her next activity!

I chose these papers for her to use to decorate her box.  They bring home so much stuff, these boxes come in handy.

Mimi went to town, cutting and gluing.

And then she just kind of stopped!  I had expected her to cover the whole thing with the cute papers, but she decided to UTILIZE the logo on the box and keep it mostly white.  Hey, whatever!

The girls were home by about 3, all smiles!  They loved the first day...success!

We have these amazing tiny little pumpkins growing in our front yard, and they are already turning orange.  The plant was supposed to grow big jack o lantern pumpkins, according to the tag, but I'm sure I either did something I wasn't supposed to or failed to do something I was supposed to because they are little!

Celebration nightcap for me, tonight, after the kids went down!  Today was a good day, and I had marshmallow soda to try from that soda store at Gateway.  It was pretty good...tasted like Lucky Charms marshmallows.

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