Friday, March 31, 2017

Albert Einstein

Miss Mac chose Albert Einstein for her person to study and present for the wax museum!

I tried really hard to make her look great.  I initially thought I should put her in a lab coat, but then I realized, he wasn't that kind of scientist!  He was a physicist, and therefore wore ties and suits!

That hair, though!  I ratted it up with tons of product, and used white hair spray paint to grey it up a bit.  I bought a black mustache and painted it white to give a grey effect.  I found the sweater, shirt, and tie at goodwill.  Overall, I think she looks awesome!  Much more authentic than I had even hoped!

She was ready with her poster and memorized facts, and presented to all who came around.

This girl cracks me up!

In other news, it's numbers time at the shop, and this year, because literally thousands have to be cut out, I decided to try using my Silhouette to help out.  It only kind of made things was just as tedious, and had to be fiddled with virtually every number to get a good cut, but we press on.  Here we are at 12, goes to 999.  Yikes!  This is going to take a while!

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