Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Zoo and Jonathan Catapult

I had a customer on Etsy ask if I'm able to calligraphy on marble we headed to Home Depot to buy a slab and find out!  Turns out it works really well, surprisingly enough, and I was able to send her this example.  The watercolor alone would smear if gotten wet, but we also found some clear spray that seals like a charm.  With it the lettering is impervious to liquid.  We will see what she decides.

We headed to the zoo, today.  Gotta use that year pass while we still have it!

All the classic zoo pics...Mac getting eaten by the iconic (as far as I'm concerned!) lion drinking fountain.

Sitting on the gorilla's shoulders

Jon and I seeing how we measure up!

We were able to get pretty close to some of the large cats, which always makes for a more exciting zoo trip!

And then of course the obligatory picture on the giant elephant's trunk!

It was a really fun family outing.

Jon is SO good with the girls.  He talks to them, does activities with them, teaches them, and rough houses with them!  Tonight he introduced them to Jonathan Catapult, which is frankly hilarious!

Even I took a turn, although it's much harder to get my body up in the air like the girls, it's still pretty funny!

I attempted to give Jon a chance to fly, but it did not go so well!

The girls were hysterical, and it really is funny to watch.

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