Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Kitchen Remodeling

My mom is remodeling her kitchen, and has gotten to the point where she is ready to paint!  She had a few near misses with paint she decided she didn't like, but I think we are actually a go for today.  When I got there to help, there were crocuses blooming in her yard!  I remember planting them!

The old paint was a pretty dingy off white, so today we transformed the room with bright white ceilings and a neutral tan on the walls.

Check out that recess lighting!  Definitely better than the track lights that were there before!

She has been looking forward to this remodel for years.  The thing that would have bothered me the most was the oven that didn't cook right!  But she will be getting beautiful slate floors and granite countertops to complete the new look!

Her birthday is in two days, and we have invited her and Dad to come for corned beef and cabbage!  I'm super excited because it's delicious, and it's something Jon and I can actually eat!  I picked up an enormous amount of corned beef at the store today, knowing that it cooks down to nothing.  We are going to try my regular method, as well as pressure cooking and see which we like best!

Speaking of things we can actually eat, one of my latest obsessions is guacamole!  It is colorful and delicious, and when tortilla chips are out, bacon chips are an incredible substitute!

Mimi asked about a scripture today, and after dinner she wanted to look it up.  She is such a sweet little girl.  She marked the scripture and read it out loud.

And last in news today...Mac lost another tooth!  This one was pretty painless, and we are happy to be marching along and making progress on the shark front!

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