Thursday, November 16, 2017

I completed an interesting custom order from my shop today.  A woman was throwing a "Chrismukkah" party, and wanted representative place cards for her guests.  She requested their names, and simple little hand drawn doodles for the respective holidays.  At first, I was pretty overwhelmed with the request, but soon found my stride.  I fiddled with the drawings a bit, and found which black ink was waterproof once dry so I could watercolor the designs.

They actually turned out really cool with the holly and the dreidel.  Hopefully the woman likes them!!  She was willing to pay me quite a bit for my trouble, and I want her to be satisfied.

Jon gave me a belated birthday gift today!  He got me a purse I've seen and loved on Etsy!!  I have desperately needed a new purse, and spent forever dithering about whether I should just buy another cheap one, or spend more and get real leather and finer craftsmanship.  I had kind of left it alone because the purse I liked was pretty expensive.  And then lo and behold, Jon got it for me!  It came from a seller in Poland, and they hand make each item, so it took a while longer than he had hoped.

It's beautiful and very well made.  Happy Birthday to me!

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