Friday, November 24, 2017

It's time for Christmas preparations!  Jon gets super excited about Christmas lights, and we found a bunch more of the lights we like, so we bought them!  Last year's were left up all year, and they have turned a bit yellow and a tiny bit less sparkly, so we will need to take them all down after Christmas.

We also decided we want to be able to use our fire place.  But we don't want to have to clean out the ashes every time, nor do we want to deal with lots of wood smoke.  Our solution?  Get the duraflame logs that hardly emit any smoke at all!

We gathered around the fire this evening, and it was really fun.  The girls were thrilled with the idea, and it was super cozy.

The package says they burn out in 4 hours...ummm, they don't.  We banked on that time frame, and didn't start it until it would be 4 hours before Jon and I went to bed.  Well, 5 hours rolled around and it was still burning like crazy and we were ready for bed.  So Jon poured water on it, and it just fell apart in a soupy smoky mess!  The whole room flooded with smoke because the draw through the flue wasn't strong enough to contend with the sudden influx of smoke.  We will not make that mistake again!!!

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