Sunday, January 21, 2018

New Couches Are Coming!

We bought new couches on Amazon a week or so ago, because the one I've had for years is really in just reprehensible condition!  It sheds bits of its fake leather every single day, and it just looks awful.  It was embarrassing to have people come over, and I was constantly apologizing for it!

Well, they come tomorrow!!!

So tonight was getting the old thing out to the garage so we can be ready to have the delivery guys haul the new ones in.  We are so excited!

Tonight also marked the (sort of belated!) beginning of thank you notes from the wedding party!  It's a simple task, but I've been putting it off all this time.  We don't want to get caught outside of the traditional 6 month window, and more importantly, we want people to know we are grateful for their kindnesses.  Let the gratefulness begin!

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