Friday, January 12, 2018


Jon and I went out on a true date today!  We hit the slopes and went skiing!  I have never been skiing before, and only once snowboarding.  So this was new.  I literally started on the classes hill.  

Up the little moving walkway, to come down a tiny little hill.  And what happened on my very first run down said tiny hill??  I went sprawling and hit my head.  Good heavens!  I felt so foolish and ungainly, but I was glad I didn't have a worse spill!

I started to get the hang of it a bit better, so we headed to the bunny hill.  That was a little have to get off the lift and get out of the way quickly, and that almost sent me sprawling, too.

But, as with everything, more practice made me feel more comfortable, and we continued up and down.  It was hurting my shoulder, which has been hurting for some time, now, and that was a little aggravating.

Later on in the evening, we headed up to one of the big slopes.  I thought I was ready, but there's nothing in between the bunny hill and fully coming down the mountain!  As we rode up the (MUCH LONGER) lift, I began to think perhaps we had made a mistake, yet the only way down is to ski down.  I was fine at first, but speed kept creeping up, and I would get really nervous and want to slow down, which was super hurting my hips and legs.  It was quite the harrowing trek down.  When I am really feeling out of my element and uncomfortable I get emotional, really panicky, and unable to accept help or instruction.  Well, that happened, and I eventually literally threw myself off the trail into some powder to stop myself at one point.  I felt so much better just SITTING, and not having to worry about going down.  But, I eventually had to.  And eventually, I made it to the bottom!

But I was done.  We took a break and went into the lodge for a bit, and then Jon wanted me to do the bunny hill a couple more times to end the night on a positive, and that was wise of him.  We went down the hill a couple times, and it was better to feel more in control.  But dang if my shoulder doesn't HURT!!  A repeat trip will likely have to wait until it heals completely.  Which is beginning to look like it might be a while.

In all, it was such a fun night to spend with Jon, and I'm glad we went!

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