Saturday, January 20, 2018

Snow Day!

Lots of snow today, and luckily it was a Saturday, so we were able to just do what we wanted!  Jon and Mac tackled shoveling the driveway.  Such hard workers!

Later this morning, Leiden and Mimi had ice skating class!  They have both decided they don't have the necessary interest to keep attending gymnastics, so Brad enrolled them in ice skating.  I hope they enjoy it!

They seemed to have a great time, zipping about on the ice and practicing skills.

Later this afternoon, it was STILL snowing, so we headed over to the school to play in the snow!

The hills aren't super great for sledding, but the girls and Jon sure tried!!  The snow, being so new didn't really help, either.  It was wet packing snow, not icy slick snow.

I was ATTACKED several times, all in good fun.

It's really fun to see Jon behaving like the boy grown tall that he is!

Mimi just cracks me up.  She is just completely fine marching to her own drummer, and doing whatever strikes her fancy.  She finds great joy in eating the snow!

Here is some video footage, and a still taken from each one following it.  This first one is Mac flying over an intentionally built bump.  He hair flying out behind her!

Leiden took a running start with this one!

And Jon with this one!

After we went back home, Jon was not done outside yet!  He got some containers and went out front to build an igloo.

Mac joined him after a bit, and together they worked hard.

I failed to get a shot of the final igloo, all topped off, but they took it all the way up!

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