Friday, January 26, 2018

The girls have been begging me to learn how to dutch braid their hair, and I finally did a passable attempt on Mac's hair, and we had to commemorate with a picture!

We took Mac in for a med check and well check today.  She is 54.5 inches tall, and 70 lbs!  She is more petite than her sisters, but she is growing well!  Those numbers put her in the 44% for weight, and 54% for height.

Jon and I headed to Costco this morning and picked up some boxes of chicken.  Three, to be exact.  They are SO inexpensive, so we got a box of chicken breasts, boneless chicken thighs, and bone in chicken thighs.  We also picked up a vacuum sealer so we could freeze them in manageable quantities and Jon had a blast working that!

Unfortunately, what we did not realize is that one of the boxes had leaked.  And we had put it on the backseat of the car.  So chicken juice leaked out everywhere RIGHT into the upholstery of the seat.  This was not good.  We wiped it up as best we could, and went on with the day.  We will likely need to revisit it later!

This evening was the first installment of Jon's birthday tickets to the opera and the symphony.  We got tickets to Moby Dick at the Opera House.  We read many positive reviews, and hoped it wouldn't disappoint.

It SOOOOOO disappointed!!!  It was terrible.  I mean bad enough that we looked at each other during intermission and laughed at the awfulness!  We got up and walked out.  All the positive reviews were from artsy people who haven't a classy bone in their bodies!

It was dissonant, poorly choreographed, much too 'modern', and almost farcical in the way they would just sing the words instead of saying them, but in notes that in no way went with anything the orchestra was doing!

If this is modern opera, I will steer clear in the future!!!  It sure was good for a laugh, though!

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