Saturday, September 15, 2018

Park City Staycation Day 2

Jon was excited about today.  He loves trains, and today we got to ride one!  We took a ride on the Heber Creeper, which I haven't done in years and years.  I think we went on one of the shorter rides when the girls were very small.  Maybe even before Mimi.

We got up there, and everything had a hazy glow from all the fires around.  It was the oddest atmosphere.

Grandmere and Bapa got all the kids conductor hats, including Leiden, even after she was very honest with Grandmere about not wanting to wear one past a picture!

She was willing for this, and then she came and handed the hat to me!

I, too, was willing for a picture!

And so was my dad!

It was relaxing to be on the train and see the scenery go by.  There is a little acting on the train as you go, but largely it's just a leisurely trip through the hills and along the reservoir.

At one point I needed to use the restroom, so I went to the little one in the car, and the toilet is situated right by a window just like the passenger cars!  It was pretty unnerving to sit on the toilet and know where I was as we passed an intersection where cars were waiting for the train.  They certainly didn't know I was sitting on a toilet, so I just waved and smiled!

This evening we went to a buffet dinner at the Zermatt for dinner before heading home to rest once again!

Joni, Madison, Thomas, and my parents will stay up here one more night, then return home themselves.  It was really fun to meet up these last two days and participate in fun activities with family!

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