Saturday, September 29, 2018

Jon and I had the weekend to ourselves so today we headed down to walk in Thanksgiving Point gardens.  On our way there we saw this prize giant squash tethered in the back of someone's truck.  They must be so proud of that behemoth!

We love walking around these gardens, and today was no exception, although very warm.

On our way home we stopped by a fruit stand and got some produce.  This year peaches from Brigham City were just not going to happen as I'm pretty tired.  So we grabbed a bunch from this stand and rounded them out with some grapes, a couple tomatoes, and pears!

I intend to use the peaches for a cobbler, which sounded absolutely irresistible there at the stand.  The grapes were Concord, which I've never tried the actual fruit.  They taste divine, but if I'm being honest, the seeds are a serious deterrent for me.

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