Wednesday, October 17, 2018

It took several coats of the white fabric paint to be opaque enough, but then we were ready for the glow in the dark.  I sure hope she likes it once it's on!

I am making a super cute little name board for Zada, perhaps to use at the hospital for some pictures in her bassinet, and today was the search to create the best color for the job!  The board will be a matte pale ballet pink, and lettering in one of these coppery colors.  I think I'm leaning towards the antique copper metallic.

Today I had a third ultrasound scheduled because at my appointment this week I was measuring four weeks ahead, which is more than they like to see.  I've never measured more than a week ahead, so four was a bit alarming.  They ordered another ultrasound to measure fluid levels.  It was a normal ultrasound, but I got to see bub!  Look at those eyes!

We are so dang excited to meet this little person.  We hope any day now, but she'll come when she's good and ready!

I finished Mimi's unicorn onesie.  She loves it, and she'll be able to stay warm while trick or treating!

My mom was super generous and ordered a port a crib for little Zada.  We had thought to use the bassinet Sister Young let us borrow, but knew we would need something else within a few weeks anyway.  It came today, and Jon was thrilled to set it up in the living room.

We want to take each of the girls on a little date before Zada arrives, and Leiden was last week.  Tonight Mimi wanted to go to the candy shop for her date.  We took her and she got to pick out a bag full of candy.

It's a fun store, if expensive, the same one I bought the macarons at.  There's really nothing like a well branded candy shop.  Pretty colors and displays of sugar everywhere!

Mimi had a great time, and we will take Mac out sometime soon!

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