Friday, October 26, 2018


Oh man!  What a day.  I began experiencing consistent contractions today.  I am walking the fine line between laboring at home as long as possible to avoid interventions, and needing to be treated for Group B before she is delivered.  We decided to err on the side of careful, and headed to the hospital!!!  We called my mom, and she came out and the girls were SOO excited that we were going to the hospital!

Unfortunately, the ward trunk or treat is tonight!  THANK HEAVENS I had gotten all the costumes done early and the girls were okay with doing their own makeup.  I felt bad about Leiden, because her makeup was a skull face, but if baby was coming, there wasn't much to be done!  Grandmere and Bapa planned on taking them to the trunk or treat if we were still (hopefully!!) at the hospital, and took Mac to her gymnastics Halloween party.

They checked me, and I was only at 1.5 cm, so they let me gown up, but I couldn't stay unless I'd made progress by the next check a couple hours later.  So we walked!  And lunged!  And squatted!!

And no dice.  No changes after about 2.5 hours, so they sent us home.

The contractions continued for the rest of the night, but never got more severe or closer together, and eventually by bedtime they went away completely.  The girls were disappointed to come home from the trunk or treat to us home with no baby!  And we apparently set the ward alight by my mom showing up with the girls because we were at the hospital.  Hopefully Sunday we won't be there to explain!  But the girls enjoyed sorting their candy and trading.  Mac had a great time at her party, and so tomorrow is another day...maybe THE day!

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