Thursday, December 20, 2018

Christmas Cookies

Just checking stuff off that little list of Mimi's!  Today was the annual Christmas Cookie bake!  I actually love sugar cookies, but I don't love the huge process that they entail.  

Luckily the girls DO like it, and they had a great time cutting and decorating their cookies.  There was the expected bit of arguing about who gets to put their cookies where, and whose gets baked first, but we made it through!

Mac made Zada a little "Z" stocking, which was so sweet.  Mac doesn't always go quietly about her day, and she has also had some adjusting to do.  She LOVES Zada, and always gets huge smiles out of her.  Probably a very close race between Mac and us.  She wants to be helpful and is always surprising me with her ability to be kind.

The girls finished their cookies and hopefully they will end up taking most of them with them to their dad's house.  He will have them tomorrow afternoon until late Christmas morning, and then we will have Christmas morning at Grandmere and Bapa's.

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