Saturday, December 15, 2018

Grandmere and Bapa invited us all up for breakfast and a surprise this morning.

Each girl got a cute little ornament specific to them that will go on Grandmere's tree and every time she sees them they will remind her of her grandkids.  It was a cute idea.

Zada's face in this picture is hilarious.  I mean I think it's my favorite one of her so far.  She looks so comically GRUMPY, yet she wasn't at all.  The camera caught this fleeting expression and made it look like she was completely Bah Humbug!

Zada's ornament was a little pink baby rattle.

Mimi's ornament was (of course!) a unicorn!

They immediately hung them on Grandmere's tree.

Mac's was a cute little gymnast, which she was obviously thrilled with.

Leiden's was an artist's palette.  Leiden is very talented in the arts, particularly drawing.  It just comes naturally to her and it's absolutely a talent.

Zada and Bapa hang out every time they're together.  She had big stories to tell this morning!

This evening we had Jon's sisters over to hold the baby decorate gingerbread houses.

They all had fun with their creations, using copious amounts of frosting and candy.

Mimi's turned into pretty much a free for all, with collapsed roof and all.

Leiden's was much more neat, but there were some candy sharing issues and she kind of lost interest early on, but decided to finish and simplify with sprinkles.  Personally her little walk way is darling!

Mac's was a candy farmer!  All his little plots filled with different things.  She did not say that, it's just what I think of when I look at her house.

Faith and Tara also spruced up a little house.  So very festive!

Faith (and Clayton!  He just wasn't here!) brought the girls a super sweet little surprise.

She had texted a couple weeks ago wanting to know what the girls' favorite candies were, and she showed up tonight with these treat bags.  The girls were of course thrilled.

I texted Faith after she left to thank her, and she asked if they had opened the candy.  They hadn't, and the younger two were already in bed, but Leiden opened hers, and found MONEY.  Literally rolled around her twix bars.  Clayton had slit open the wrappers, put the money in with the candy, and sealed them shut again.  WHAT a cute idea and so kind of F&C to do for the girls.  Evidently Clayton's aunt used to do this when he was a kid, and she was of course proclaimed the favorite aunt.  Faith said she and Clayton are making sure they hold the favorite title!

The other two will be so surprised tomorrow morning when we tell them to look at their candy more closely!

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