Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Cute Little Miss on the last day of school before Winter Break!  She's excited her sisters will be home with her for a while!

This evening Mimi was so cute.  With Christmas break officially starting, she was concerned she is going to be bored.  So she did the logical thing, and came up with a list of things she will do tomorrow to keep busy.

And bless her little heart, she included chores she isn't even assigned!  She warms my heart like crazy.  She has been pretty emotional since baby came.  She's never experienced anything like this, and I think she's had some pretty pronounced adjustment to get through.  Having a new sibling is always difficult, and it DOES take adjustment.  Honestly for all of us.  I am grateful for Mimi's sweet little spirit, and her willingness to help and be easy going.  She just quietly goes about doing her thing.  She is a wonderful little girl and I couldn't love her more.

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