Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!  And no photographic proof, but it snowed!!  We headed up to Grandmere and Bapa's house where the girls met us there for our Christmas morning.  We also invited Jon's parents for the gift opening melee.  They haven't had a Christmas morning with children in many years, and we thought it would be a fun way to include them.  Little Zada's first Christmas morning was mostly spent sleeping, although she had many presents for us to help her open!

All the grandkids gathered before the craziness began!  There was SO MUCH stuff under the tree which happens when the girls meet us there on Christmas.

Mimi was thrilled with all things unicorn.

All Leiden wanted was money to buy clothes, so we got a huge box, and filled it with newspaper wads and wadded up fake $100 bills.  One of them was real.  She had to search through the whole box to find the real one!  She was only kind of amused!

Real footage:

I took very few pictures today, opting to mostly be in the moment with the girls and family.  Jon's parents had fun watching the chaos, and later this evening we all convened at my mom's again for Christmas Dinner.  It was a wonderful holiday spent with family and remembering the birth of our Savior.  Merry Christmas!

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