Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Headed to my 6 week checkup this morning, and it was blizzarding outside.  It was even worse prior to this picture, I just didn't think to take it until the worst had already passed.

This is a much more representative picture of how Zada feels about Christmas time and tree lights!!  So very sweetly happy!

Not so much when she rolls over and runs into the bars on her baby gym!

Leiden's choir concert was tonight, and we managed to snatch good seats.  Jon stayed way at the back with Zada because she did NOT like the clapping!  The kids all looked so solemn up there singing their Christmas songs, and it turns out Leiden's teacher tells them NOT to smile because then they don't have correct mouth shape for sounds to come out precisely.  I'm not buying it.  We laughed and told her to watch the Tabernacle Choir...they are world class, renowned and celebrated, and they smile.  Because otherwise you all look like you're angry you're singing about the most wonderful time of the year!

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