Sunday, July 11, 2010

Music In Plymouth

We took the kids to Music in Plymouth, which is a pretty big deal here. Tons of businesses set up little tents and have tons of swag. This was the girls' favorite attraction. They got to play instruments--badly tuned and banged up instruments, but instruments none the less. I love the cello. If I hadn't learned the violin, that's what I would have chosen.

They even let Mac have a turn!

The girls just could not get enough of this place. They also had a bunch of percussion instruments, and they were kind of the only kids who were stopping here. A lady from the Plymouth Magazine stopped and asked if she could take a picture of them with the kids from the business. It looked something like this.

All in all a fun event, although we did not stay to hear the orchestra play. There were fireworks at the end of it, and since it was down the street--literally--from our apartment, Leiden wanted to see them from our balcony. Brad told her yes, but at 8:00 she fell asleep on the couch and asked Brad to wake her up when they started. He did, she watched them, and then went peacefully back to sleep.

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