Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Rest of June

POTD 6/27/10: The day we got home from Utah, we were so tired, but had to keep up with the girls who were a little less tired than we were, so we went for a walk and Brad wanted to geocache. It didn't work, they couldn't find the location, but it afforded us some time in the fresh air, movement, and mosquito bites. Excellent.

Miriam 6/27/10: Mimi stayed in the stroller while the girls and Brad traipsed around in the woods. She always seems faintly surprised when I pull the camera out.

But how else am I to catch those eyes!

Playing peek-a-boo with clothes is super fun.

Miriam 6/28/10:
POTD 6/28/10: Back on the running wagon. I hate how lazy I was in Utah, so I've got to keep it up here--or I'm never going to be able to run a half marathon. The biggest problem for me is when to run?
There are a bunch in this set. Find them here.
Miriam is making all kinds of strides with playing. She is getting really good at grabbing a toy and putting it in her mouth. Go Meems!
We started vegetables today...

And she was less than impressed with green beans! Miriam 6/29/10: (Although she has since eaten them again and received them with much more enthusiasm.)
POTD 6/29/10: The corn cob on the floor is representative of how my whole day has gone. Ugh.
But, I made key lime bars for Family Home Evening treat, and that seemed to help everything else.

Family Home Evening activity? Pillow fight.

Miriam 6/30/10: More eating of toys.
Love the looks we get from her. What the heck is going on?

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