Monday, July 5, 2010

The Trip Home

POTD 6/26/10: Here we are at my parents' house--all packed up and ready to go!

Miriam 6/26/10: Mimi is also ready to go. She's the hardest in the car, so here we go.

On the road again. Just can't wait to get on the road again!

We stopped for dinner somewhere in Nebraska--Sidney? Anyway, it was super windy, and Mimi loves the breeze.

So, this trip was a lot harder than the trip out to Utah. I think the problem lied in the fact that we drove straight through--let me rephrase--Brad drove through the night. Around 2 AM, we thought maybe we should stop and actually sleep, but the stretch of I-80 we were on was PACKED with people there to see the World Series of college basketball in Omaha. There was no room at any of the 4 motels/hotels we stopped at on a very large stretch of the freeway. So, we kept going. Ugh. We were so tired. I tried to stay up with Brad, but it was an uphill battle. It may have been different if I wasn't already sleep deprived from our sweet little Mimi, but there is no way on this earth I could have driven during the night. I drove for about 90 minutes in the morning, and had to consciously work to keep myself from dozing off. But, we're home, and we got here safely. Next time we decide to drive, we'll stop for the night again. That wasn't bad at all.

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