Saturday, August 28, 2010

11 Days Before Kindergarten

Here's today's rhyme:

POTD 8/28/10: We headed out to Old Navy, and after much deliberation, Leiden finally decided upon an outfit for the first day. Not necessarily what I would have chosen for her, but that was the point. We'll see if she actually wears it! She was remarkably opinionated about the clothing, and finally figured out that I really wanted to know if she liked something. She doesn't always like the stuff I pick out for her, so I wanted it to be her choice before I spent anything. We didn't actually get any pictures of the clothing itself...

And, we forgot Mimi's picture today.


AmyL. said...

The cutest idea!

Kelley Flint said...

I love that idea. What a great way to get her excited.