Thursday, August 26, 2010

While Brad Was Gone

Miriam 8/15/10: She grabs anything within reach these days, and in her mouth it goes. Even the big stuff.

POTD 8/15/10: Brad left town today to go to a week long (or so) work thing. Sigh. My mom was supposed to come out from Utah, but she couldn't get away from work, so it's just me and the kids.

POTD 8/16/10: Leiden and Mac were playing, and as so often happens, she got hurt. Someone always does. I guess Mac ran into Leiden's toe with her shoe, and the toenail broke off about 1/4 inch down. Just a little bit of oozing blood, but a jagged bit of nail I had to figure out what to do with. While she's screaming not to touch it. Finally I trimmed what I could with some sterilized clippers (I hope the rubbing alcohol was still effective past its date...), slapped some Neosporin on it, and bandaged it up. A couple more tears because we didn't have Princess band-aids. Now we're better.

Miriam 8/16/10: Poor Miriam is in the throes of another cold...thanks to Mac. Gotta love her. This one is complete with coughing that keeps me up. And her nose is everywhere. Funny, because I always wonder what sort of conditions the kids' library books have been in previous to my checking them out. Stomach flu? Strep throat? Good old common cold. Sorry, next checker outer of this book!

POTD 8/17/10: Just when I think Mac might be growing out of her mischief making ways, she slams me with another one just to keep me on my toes. I have told her so many times that she is not allowed to pour the syrup. So then I find this--not only has she poured the syrup, but she somehow took the lid off to do so. She had some pumpkin pancakes with her syrup this morning.

POTD 8/18/10: Lots of food pics these days. Leiden hasn't asked for one of these in quite a while. Peanut butter, honey, and banana sandwich. She will eat the whole thing.

Miriam 8/18/10:

I was disappointed at our late closing date on this house because that meant no time to put a garden in this year. Well, the people who lived here before put in just a couple plants off the deck, so we are reaping those rewards. Peppers, both banana and red:
POTD 8/19/10: The red is creeping ever so slowly around them.
Cherry tomatoes:
Green beans:
I'm not sure if these are pear tomatoes or what, but there are a bunch of green ones! There's also a large variety tomato, too. Fresh tomatoes are a wonder.
Miriam 8/19/10: Horrible picture taken with my phone while Mimi sat on my lap at the computer. Blurry, and even my have-a-nice-camera-but-no-skills self can tell that the ISO is way too high. But I press on with as many days 'pictured' as I can.
POTD 8/20/10: And finally, Brad is home! Woohoo!
Miriam 8/20/10: This is the kind of face Leiden is greeted with on a regular basis. She LOVES Leiden.
And this is the face that I get when I say or do the exact same thing Leiden just did which got a laugh. There is no laughing here. Heck, there is no smiling!

1 comment:

bjahlstrom said...

I seriously could eat that baby. She is just so darn cute. Especially the one of her wrapped up in the sheet!