Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8 Days Before Kindergarten

The rhyme:

POTD 8/31/10: So I, in my craziness, got out Mod Podge with my two small children, and let them go with it. I helped--a lot--but Leiden did a large portion of the project. Surprisingly enough, she actually lasted for the whole thing, too. My initial plan was to cover the whole box, but decided, wisely, that the top was entirely enough.

The completed box...got the box at IKEA--actually a set of two boxes this size for 8 bucks. (It's large, something like 13 by 20 or something.) We'll put in all her stuff from Kindergarten and at the end of the year go back through it and weed out. I will remember to date everything.
Miriam 8/31/10: She's been sad, lately. I'm thinking it's teeth, but I can't feel anything. I also think separation anxiety is starting. She'll start screaming if you even turn your back on her. Oy.


Kristin said...

Love the box idea and it turned out really cute! Where did you get the cute letters for her name?

bjahlstrom said...

You are a mom on top of things, Mercedes!