Saturday, March 24, 2012

This morning I went to the gym with Joe and Naomi and did a TRX class. Holy smokes, that is hard!  We'll see how I feel tomorrow! 
Today we made it back to the museum to see the actual art instead of just gorging ourselves with delicious gourmet food.  Not that there's anything wrong with gorging oneself on delicious gourmet food when the chance presents itself.

The museum is full of all different kinds of art--from classical paintings to uber modern set ups that I really don't like.  Although my favorite?  This one.  It's made of 20,736 spools of thread hung on aluminum wires.  It takes up the whole back wall, and you couldn't tell what it was supposed to be until you looked in the optical device.

It's the last supper, done upside down and backwards, so it's only seen correctly through the device.  Very clever and super creative.  I couldn't stop thinking about how much the artwork must have cost to make.  Over 20,000 spools of thread at even $1 each--or 50 cents each?  That's a lot of money!

This was the only picture of both of us.

Outside in front of the entrance they have an enormous, life size metal tree.

We made another trip to Kikiberri, today, and got enough for tomorrow!  We headed to the Young Women General Broadcast this evening and it was really great.  I couldn't stop thinking about how I'll be there in just a few short years with Leiden, and all the messages were surprisingly applicable for me as a mother.  It really was a wonderful meeting that I otherwise would never have attended.

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