Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Begins

Mac's preschool class got to go outside today and play on the giant hill the plows create off the parking lot.  The little kids are so fun to watch trudge back in to the school with all their snow gear on.  All in a little line.

Leiden's bottom side teeth have both been wiggly for some time, now.  One of them MUCH more wiggly than the other.  We've had many moments when Leiden gets brave and decides she wants us to get it out, and then she changes her mind.  Today she came bounding off the bus holding a little tooth box that comes from the school nurse.  I was so thrilled because she just frets about these little loose teeth.  "Leiden, did your tooth come out, today?!"  "Yes!"  But when she smiled at me, the side tooth that wasn't super loose was the one that came out!  So she has another gap, and a still really wiggly tooth.  Even stranger, she swallowed it!  The school nurse was kind enough to write the Tooth Fairy a note, explaining that the tooth had been swallowed.

Leiden gets to participate in her class's Dr. Seuss reading day, tomorrow, and she has signed up to read a book to the class.  She chose the book Food Fight, which has long been a favorite that Grandma gave us from her own personal collection.  We have been practicing all week --the hard part is remembering to show the pictures to the kids after she reads each page!

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