Saturday, March 10, 2012

Today was a busy Saturday.  Leiden went with Brad to a home store, and they had parrots there.  I was surprised to learn that she let one sit on her arm!

Mimi stayed busy here at home, wanting to help wash dishes.  She drags a chair from the table all the way over to the sink, and commences.

Later she played games with Daddy. 

 The highlight of the day was the trip to the swimming pool.  They had a slide that ended in water about 3 1/2 feet deep, so Leiden wanted to try it.  She could bob under and push up with her toes if she needed to, and the pool was closely watched by both myself and a lifeguard.  She did great!  She went down 4 times or so.  She's never really been able to go down water slides because you've got to be able to swim.

Both Mac and Leiden did great in the water.  Leiden can swim, but she does it kind of frantically, instead of relaxing and letting her body move naturally.  She was zooming all around the deep end with Mac, who had a life jacket on.   Mimi, however, is horrible in the water.  She wants nothing to do with someone holding her, yet she is nowhere near being able to swim.  She fights and writhes until she gets out of your grip, goes straight under, comes up choking, and then screams--SCREAMS and cries when you grab her again.  And repeat.  She has NO concept of water safety, and would literally drown if we weren't wrestling with her.  The only thing I can think of is that we need to get her a life jacket and teach her how to stay upright in it.  Or she will never get into a swimming pool again.  Ever.

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