Monday, May 8, 2017

Garden Prep

An enormous weed tree has grown in the dirt on the west side of the house in the backyard, and we had thought to use that section of the yard for a garden this summer.  I got permission from the landlord (which irks me more and more...permission!  Blech!) to remove it and clear that area.  So today, we removed it!  It was quite a complicated operation, using Jon's slack lines to pull, and a chain saw.

The girls were enthralled with the whole process.

The biggest problem was that the tree had ROOTS.  They went everywhere, and were pretty substantial.  So as we tried to work the tree loose, Jon had to help at the bottom with the shovel and saw.

The girls got to (and were in fact encouraged to!) bounce around on the slack line between the two trees to work it over.  They would take turns being the one to sit, and the other two would jump off at the same time so the sitter would bounce up in the air a bit.

Finally enough pressure was applied and enough roots cut that the tree came down.

The roots went all over the place, though.  They will need to further be dug out and cut back, but we made amazing progress today on our little plot!

Leiden is now designing cute little containers to put slime in.  I believe she snuck into my craft room to get these tiny little containers, and (very creatively) covered them with washi tape and took these pictures.  Leiden the purveyor of slime!

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