Saturday, May 27, 2017

More Gardening and Playdates

The strawberry plant in the front flower bed is just abysmal, and so Jon purchased a bunch of strawberry starts online, and wanted to grow them from hanging containers.  We got a handful of buckets from Home Depot and he set to work this afternoon drilling out the holes where the plants will grow out.

Mac had Lucy over after school today and they made snickerdoodles!

They are quite the little bakery chefs!

Leiden had two of her friends over, too, and they ended up at the corner trying to get cars to honk as they passed by.  They made up dances with umbrellas and basically made nuisances of themselves, but they were pretty funny doing it!

We used spray adhesive and covered the buckets with aluminum foil to prevent them from getting too hot, and to protect the plastic from degrading in the sun.  Then time to plant the starts

and hang from the beams out back!

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