Thursday, May 25, 2017

Happy Birthday Leiden and 3rd Grade Fieldtrip

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this 12 year old!  Brad had them overnight last night, so I didn't even see her this morning, let alone celebrate with breakfast and presents, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  The celebrations will come later.

Today was the 3rd grade field trip!  It's that time of year, when all the classes escape school and get to go to cool places.  Today we went to the Planetarium.  It's always a really cool place, and I was here with Leiden just last month, but Mac hasn't been here since it was remodeled.

She was grouped with some of her good friends, so she was also excited for the day.

I hadn't noticed the bathroom doors before, and thought they were very clever.

After the Planetarium, we went to Wheeler Farm, where we had free time to play and explore.

Mac and her friends very quickly found the water going through the canal there, and wanted to play!

They made cute little boats from leaves and twigs, and set them down on one side of the tunnel under the path, and waited for them to sail out the other side.  Mac's boat was really great.

She worked hard on it, and it held up under the stress of the sailing.  A sea worthy vessel!

In addition to it being Leiden's birthday, it is also the year anniversary of Jon's and my first date.  It has been SUCH an incredible year, with amazing growth and the feeling of finally coming home.  I made him this silly wall thing with post its and had to do it in my room because I didn't have time to go to his apartment today because of the field trip.

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