Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Washington DC Day 2

   Slow start this morning.  The Tamiflu unfortunately makes my stomach pretty upset, and add that to
 whatever pregnancy is doing, and I’m awfully tired.  It took me a while to get the motivation to get up and go.  I also have the unfortunate tendency to procrastinate things I’m nervous about, instead of just attacking them head on!  

    I figured out how to obtain and use the subway cards, and finally headed out.  DC isn’t the safest of places in parts, so I was hopeful I wasn’t in any of the unsafe parts!  But I did it!  I rode the subway by myself, and got out at the correct stops.  My parents were particularly worried about me, so I took this picture while on the subway to send to them.

I walked all around the main attractions this afternoon, and took many selfies.  The Capitol, the Mall, Washington Monument (which you can’t go up into anymore!), the Lincoln Memorial, and the White House.  I will say, though, that I don't know how people got around before smart phones with Google Maps!  I was very clearly a tourist as I had to keep referring to it to find my way!

The day was beautiful and sunny, but chilly enough my jacket stayed on almost the whole time.  I used my sunglasses, but didn't for one second think about the sun on my skin.  

This was a mistake, as I found later that I was pretty comprehensively sunburned.  I HATE sunburns.

My favorite is the Lincoln Memorial.  I have always loved President Lincoln.  He always looks so endearing to me, with his enormous height and thin frame, and the work that he did as president changed the course of history in our country.
All in all, it was a very successful day, and this evening after I made my way back to our hotel on the subway, Jon and I walked to a Middle Eastern restaurant and grabbed dinner while I nursed my day’s sunburn and told Jon about my adventures.

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