Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Miscellaneous Pictures Found on the Camera

The other day, I was getting 'dinner' for Machara, and she was getting pretty antsy in her high chair. I sat down on my chair by her and set the jar of nasty gooey baby 'beef' on her tray and (she is quick!) she immediately lunged for it and tried to jam the whole thing in her mouth. Her hunger cues are pretty difficult to miss. The picture doesn't really convey the desperation with which she grabbed that jar.

Leiden loves to take pictures with our camera. She has her own, but I think she likes ours better. She actually takes some pretty funny pictures, and while most of them are blurry because she can't hold her hands still enough the whole time, every once in a while she snaps a good one. And they are almost always funny because they give you a tiny peek into her perspective of the world. This is her favorite stuffed animal, Big Dog. (She's creative, too.)

Leiden actually is pretty creative--I can really see her left brain developing these days. She loves to draw and write. She traced her own hand the other day.

And then a few days ago, we were sitting at the table together. I was probably tooling around on the computer, and Leiden was drawing next to me. Then I hear, "Mom, look. It's mom," and she points to her paper. This is what she had written, entirely without prompting.

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