Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rough Few Days

Leiden's luck is really not with her right now. Her stars are all out of alignment. Does anyone know any feng shui? While we were out on a run today (again, with my ER doctor friend, Kelly--I need her to move in with me), Leiden starts screaming and kicking her feet against the footrest on the stroller. I come to a screeching halt, and am trying to figure out why she's bashing her fist against her leg, and then me as I come closer. Kelly says, "Was it a bee? Look for a bee." Sure enough, there is the little bugger all curled up and dying on Leiden's shorts. I am trying to figure out where she has been stung, and I can't see anything. Meanwhile, the drama of hitting mom with her closed fist continues. I pried open her hand to see if it was on the inside, and it wasn't. Then for a split second she opens her hand, and there is that stinger, still sticking out of the side of her finger. Kelly pulled it out while I held her hand still, and then we raced back to the car. She's crying just as hard as the other day, and I am huffing up hills and across grassy knolls to make a straight line to the car. I'm of course worrying that if anyone is allergic to bee stings, it will be her, and then figuring that if she's still crying, she's still breathing, and anaphylactic shock isn't setting in yet. Anyway, drama aside, she's fine. We came home and slapped some frozen peas on her hand and she felt fine after that, and even better after a nap this afternoon. I didn't even take any pictures because you can't even see it anymore save a little red spot. I'm wondering how she'll react to the next bee that hovers near her.

Poor girl. Her gums are looking a lot better, though. I used an infant medicine syringe to shoot some salt water up there last night, which brought on a whole new set of tears where tears weren't present before. Honestly, I keep telling her that stinging when we rinse is a good thing. That means it's working. But, it seemed to help. Today, the bruising seems to have receded further up to the top of her gums, and the little scab on top of her lip is even starting to come off a bit. She'll probably have some scar marks for a while. I'm getting more and more used to her new look every day. She's still my pretty Leiden.

The tooth fairy visited on Monday night, and brought her a new book. Leiden doesn't care about money yet, so we figured that would be a good present. She was very excited when she went to sleep, and then woke Mac up with the light on Tuesday morning in her haste and excitement to see what the tooth fairy brought her.

I have actually joined the forces at work on the outside of our house. Yesterday and today I painted our front door. We had kind of an accent door in mind, and so we picked a color I wasn't too sure of, but is also growing on me more every day. It's now kind of a dark dark brick color--it's called something mahogany, and it actually looks pretty good. We're still trying to decide if we should paint our whole garage that color, too. But, the most exciting part is that I!!! did it! I am always faintly embarrassed to thank people when they tell me how beautiful the house looks, because I haven't done any of the work, but now I can just say thank you with grace. I meant to take a picture of it, but forgot, so I'll get it up tomorrow. Brad's still working on the roof, which is going to look great.

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