Sunday, September 21, 2008

Roof is Done! and New: Weekly Goals

Hooray for Brad! He and his friend from work, Shane, finished the roof last night at about 7:30 PM. We are--excuse me--Brad is almost done with outside work! Then the fun begins inside! No, not for a while, although I did put on a new front door knob yesterday, and also bought a new chandelier for the kitchen table and entryway, too. We would love to redo our kitchen cabinets and counters (me, I think more than Brad), but that will have to wait until we can save a bit more money. They say that a new kitchen sells your house better than anything else, so we'll do it if we can in case it comes to that! 'Be prepared' is a good motto for anything in life.

Which segues nicely into my next bit of news--Mac is close to crawling. The last week or so she has been wiggling her hips on the floor. It brought to mind a hula hoop; it's that kind of motion. I'm not entirely certain why I'm pushing for this, but the last couple days I've been putting her legs up underneath her belly to show her what she's aiming for, and then today, Brad had her on the bed and she got the up under her several times and even pushed herself forward! Flat on her face, but as soon as she learns to keep her arms up and moving, off she'll go. Woohoo! for Mac, AHHHHH! for mom. Here is some video, although the memory card filled up before I could get some really good shots.

Leiden is really noticing fall this year. She points to all the changing trees, and asks me every day if fall is still here. I have been a little slow on the uptake, but Fall decorations will come out this week, and I might just put up Halloween while I'm at it.

I thought it might be a good idea, as I'm forever a 'list' person, to make some weekly goals here in the public domain and then I've recorded them in a place that won't get lost. I am also an 'I can't find...' person. So, this week I will:
1. Read my scriptures while Leiden is awake every day. (She needs to see me reading
2. Go running 6 times in the next 7 days. (And therefore lose 1.5-2-lbs. this week.)
3. Get the pattern pieces for the girls' Christmas dresses cut out.
4. Finish, as much as possible, Leiden's quiet book.
5. Eat no more than one treat a day. (This is embarrassing to admit, but it will help
with the losing weight thing, too.)
That should do it! I'll post pictures of the new lights this week, too.


Claire said...

I love reading about all the crafts you are doing, you are motivating me to get on the ball! You need to call me next time you are in UT. We need to get together. Your house looks great!

David said...

Way to go Brad!

Tracey said...

Go baby go! That is so cute! Man, sometimes I wonder if Alexis will ever crawl, she HATES tummy time, so it doesn't last very long. Oh well, it will come with time.