Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween is Coming!

It's the countdown to the big day!

Here's Miriam 10/11/10:

POTD 10/11/10: Mac gets really excited about taking pictures every once in a while. She always tries to hold it up to her eyes like I have to with the DSLR.

Miriam 10/12/10: We went to the park and had a great time playing with friends. Mimi got a turn in the swings, and she seemed to like it a lot better than the last time I had her in one!

She also enjoyed the bevy of wood chips at her disposal.
Mimi loves sitting on the grass, and I feel a little better about her eating leaves than woodchips. If she has something to watch, I think she'd stay sitting on the grass until the cows came home.
POTD 10/12/10: We got our pumpkins today! Little pie pumpkins all in a row.
The bigger varieties on the porch.
Miriam 10/14/10: The girls and Brad and I all got Halloween cards in the mail today from Grandmere and Bapa. Mimi chewed on hers for a bit.
POTD 10/14/10: Leiden pulled this hilarious face at her spooky ghost card.
Mac's reaction wasn't as noteworthy, but I went up to her room the next day, and she'd hung it on her wall with some tape. It's really cute--about Mac eye-level on her wall. She is such a sweetie.

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