Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fire and Ice

We took off today to see the Plymouth Fire and Ice, which is held on a frozen lake. So we bundled up and headed off to traipse around a bunch of ice.
Miriam 2/5/11: She is sporting some serious nose issues, I know.

The girls thought it was great, and here we were standing in front of the ice sculpting.

This picture was taken mere minutes before we set off to find something to eat. I was holding Mac's and Leiden's hands, and all of a sudden Mac slipped and went down. I shifted my weight to look down and whoosh! My feet flew out from underneath me and I smacked into the ice with my rear end. Know how it feels when you bump your rear end really hard? There's pain, but also a funny numb feeling, almost like getting the wind knocked out of you, but not quite? Multiply that by about 20, and that's how I felt. Brad didn't realize we had fallen, so I then had to gasp enough air in to yell for him. I literally could not breathe. We finally got moving, but it hurt! I thought for sure my tailbone was broken, but couldn't really separate all the little twinges out, so we had to take me home. Mimi and I hung out here at home while Brad took the other girls out to Chuck E Cheese's. (They were very put out about having to leave the lake.)

I spent the rest of the night debating going to get an x-ray, downing ibuprofen, and stuffing ice packs into my pants. Wonderful. And there is no way I'm going to church tomorrow!

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