Monday, February 21, 2011

Washington DC: Day 2

Today we headed down to Mount Vernon, on a city bus, no less, and found that because it's George Washington's actual birthday that we got in free of charge! What a pleasant surprise! I guess today is also their busiest day of the year, and they have all kinds of activities going on today. These men (and a couple women!) were dressed up as period soldiers, and then we found out that they are real members of our military. I imagine it's quite an honor to be a part of all this history and in the military!

Washington's actual tomb, where he and Martha are buried.

There was a Mason there, (as they'd just laid the new wreath at his tomb) who was handing out gold dollar coins. I saw him hand one to one other woman. I wonder how he decides who to give them to?

The Masons have been laying wreaths at his tomb for something like 87 years.

His property is astounding. It runs right up to the Potomac.

When I sat down on this old plow for a picture, it shifted backwards and I almost tumbled right over it.

We had a great time. Although it was a LOT colder than it had been forecasted today. Washington's home and property was extensive, and all of it testifies to his industrious efforts. And that of his slaves, of course. I suppose we can't not mention them, although all accounts suggest they were at least well treated.

It was actually somewhat surreal to be wandering around where such a famous figure lived. It's hard to imagine what his life must have been like--what it was really like when he lived here in this enormous house and the land was a working plantation. I have to say that I left there wanting to know much more about the founding of our country and the men that did it.

1 comment:

bjahlstrom said...

I've loved reading the Washington D.C. accounts.