Saturday, April 23, 2011

Egg Hunts

We were kindly invited to our Bishop's house with a few other little families for brunch and an egg hunt. Mimi just cracked me up. She had no idea what was going on. We thought once we showed her that candy was in the eggs that she'd be on board, but it was not so. As always, Mimi is best viewed with a play by play.

Here she is with her little friend, who is trying to take away her tiny basket. Isabelle gets how this works.

She also gets the basket, and begins to wander off. Mimi does not appear to care. She still hasn't moved from the spot we set her down in.

Isabelle's mom, my friend Naomi, tried to help Mimi figure out what to do after giving back her little basket.

Here's where we thought we could turn the tides. Naomi helped her pick up the egg (read: handed her the egg several times until Mimi held on to it.) and tried to get her to put it in her basket.

Nope. The egg is dropped, and oh, look, a stick. All the other kids are racing around the yard, yelling, and finding eggs everywhere.

Meh, it's not as cold as it looks out here. I think I'll try to take off my coat again. Why are all these kids running around?

Oh, there's that funny little toy, again. I wonder why they wanted me to hold it.

I guess I can do that. I still don't get it.

Literally, that was it. She didn't move from her spot, and she never picked up another egg! Nor did that egg ever end up in her little basket. She just must not be cut out for egg hunts.

Leiden was all about it.

Mac found a few eggs, but what she really wanted to do was swing. I seem to have highly distractable children.

Hanging out with dad is much more fun than holding a silly egg and basket.

Leiden got quite the haul. She let me have her Cadbury cream egg.

Hopefully next year goes better for the Meems.

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