Monday, April 18, 2011

Potty Training, Part Deux

We're trying this again, folks. I know she can do it. I am prepared to ride out whatever firestorm Mac sends our way while we get to it. I've repeated this to myself countless times today.

Today went well. She went potty in the toilet numerous times, although she put up a big fight about wearing underwear. She also had two accidents today--she had a friend over and got distracted playing, and I think she forgot she was wearing underwear at dinner. Tomorrow will be another day. She seems happy enough here.


Tracey said...

Oh boy! Good luck!! I still have yet to potty train Alexis...I sure hope it goes well (for both of us! :)

Anonymous said...

My daughter was potty trained early and she practically did it herself. I thought having her as a role model and the experience myself, my son would be easy as well. He was a nightmare!Potty Training For Girls